[eden] The abundant fruits and the profusely blooming flowers. The paradise allures all living things.
A specially designed collection in support of International Girls' Day. 10% of the proceeds from the sale of eligible products will be donated to the NGO Plan International's Because I am a Girl campaign.
This chain ring features assorted cut rubies, which we encountered in Jaipur, India, and are simply connected with K10 material. The size can be adjusted to your preference, allowing you to expand the arrangement of what you have on hand.
Ruby: Zodiac stone of Aries, Leo, and Scorpion. This stone also goes by the name of “a queen of jewelry” for its vivid flamboyance and rarity. It had been loved by kings or a person with authority since the ancient times, considered as “a stone to bring about victory.” It is said that this ruby brings out your fundamental vigorousness and embraces you with deep affection. Wearing this on the right side of your body brings out the deeper power.